About us &
Professional accreditation
What is ATLAANZ?
Professional accreditation
ATLAANZ is an association of professionals working in academic advisory roles in tertiary institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand (Aotearoa is the Māori name for New Zealand, meaning “the long white cloud”). ATLAANZ means Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors Aotearoa New Zealand.
ATLAANZ has a constitution and is an incorporated society. Members of ATLAANZ are staff members (full and part-time staff) of universities, polytechnics, wānanga, colleges of education, institutes of technology as well as private institutions providing tertiary training.
- facilitate communication, networking, exchange of ideas, and sharing of good practice among professionals in learning advisory roles within tertiary institutions
- support the professional development, and promote the professional status of members
- disseminate research findings, publications, and other materials that are relevant and useful to members.
ATLAANZ members have created a set of good practice guidelines, articulating the values, skills, roles & responsibilities and qualifications that exemplify our profession as learning advisors in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Professional practice doc 2022