MATHTLAANZ is a sub-group within ATLAANZ that represents the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) members of the organisation. The main purpose of MATHLAANZ is to provide a space in which the members can share ideas, resources, links to relevant research and learning tools for both students and Learning Advisors. MATHLAANZ also shares STEM-related information and news in the areas of education and student support services.

Currently, MATHLAANZ members can communicate through an email group but it may be possible to develop a page on the ATLAANZ site that can be an active and open space for us to share STEM based Learning Advice ideas and information. So, please feel free to request to have any mathematical or scientific based information displayed that could be beneficial to our MATHLAANZ network within the ATLAANZ or MATHLAANZ community.

Suggestions can be emailed to the MATHLAANZ Representative Mervyn Protheroe (STEM Learning Advisor at WelTec)
If you would like to be added to the MATHLAANZ email list, just email mervyn.protheroe@weltec.ac.nz or fill out the form below.