Conference Programme 2022

Day 1 Programme: Wednesday 30 November 2022

The three tabs below are for the three streams of activity scheduled.

Everyone begins the day together in Ruma Whaa at 8.30 am for a brief pre-conference social time.
Then at 8.45 am everyone moves to Ruma Tahi for the Pōwhiri, welcome, (housekeeping) and keynote.
NB: You can click the session type to see a blurb and bio pop-up about each session.

Special thanks to the team at Te Puna Ako – Centre for Tertiary Teaching and Learning (CeTTL) at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato, University of Waikato for providing the virtual space and expertise for this conference.

8.30 – 8.45 am Everyone to Ruma Whaa (aka Coffee Lounge)  for informal chat, meet/greet and questions

8.45 am (here in Ruma Tahi)

Welcome and Keynote

Karakia, pōwhiri, waiata (Welcome)
Tikanga note: It is respectful for participants to have their cameras on, and mics off for this section of the proceedings.

9.00 am

Dr Deena Kara Shaffer
Rethinking our repertoires: Innovative, integrative strategies for student thriving

10.00 am
Paramanawa – Morning tea

Morning Sessions: Wellbeing

10.30 am
Presentation (20 mins)
The whole person concept in Mindful Education – Ka mua, ka muri – looking back to look forward
Hua Dai & Whaea Lynda Toki (Unitec)

11.00 am
Presentation (20 mins)
The LNAAT: Lost in automation?
Jo Spod (Toi Ohomai)

11.30 am
Hiko – Lightning #1 (10 mins)
Holistic support for Kura Kaupapa Māori graduates
Ruth Thomas (Toi Ohomai)

Hiko – Lightning #2 (10 mins) Recorded session
Tāne-au-kaha, be brave and learn it anyway: Te Reo Rotarota Maori sign language
Justine Quensell (Toi Ohomai)

Hiko – Lightning #3 (10 mins)
Kōkiri: A culturally responsive programme for Māori and Pacific degree students redoing papers
Tania Oxenham (Wintec | Te Pūkenga)

12.00 – 12.30 pm

Special Interest Group: Wellbeing

12.30 -1.00 pm
Lunch – Wā kai

Afternoon Sessions: Neurodiversity

1.00 pm
Workshop (40 mins)
Understanding and working with neurodivergent students
Delphine Mitchell (Te Herenga Waka | Victoria, University of Wellington)

1.40 pm
Presentation (20 mins)
Creating communities: Using Canvas to foster engagement and facilitate connections with/for neurodivergent students at university
Dulcie Brake, Glennis Wong-Toi, & Jodie Peterson (Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland)

2.00 pm
Workshop (40 mins)
Please hear us: What neurosensitive students want educators to know and do to support them
Kaaryn Cater (Weltec & Whitireia)

2.40 pm
Presentation (20 mins)
Sharing from our neurodiverse community of practice
Kristen Bracey, Marje Shadelee, & Sarah Woods (Otago Polytechnic)

3:00 – 4:00 pm

Annual General Meeting

Everybody here in Ruma Tahi for the ATLAANZ AGM

4:00 pm

Mihi wakamutunga – closing comments


Zoom link to Ruma Rua to be made available via email just before the conference

8.45 am

Everyone over in Ruma Tahi for the welcome and keynote

Morning Sessions: Academic Writing

10.30 am
Presentation (20 mins)
A holistic approach to enhancing students’ academic writing
Cindy Wee & Ruth Laing (Unitec)

11.00 am
Conversation (40 mins)
Virtual writing retreats
Andrea Haines & Maryam Mariya (Whare Wānanga o Waikato)

Special Interest Group: Academic Writing

11.40 am – 12.30 pm

12.30 – 1 pm Lunch – Wā kai

Afternoon Session: Professional Identity

1.00 – 3.00 pm

Wānanga (120 mins)
Affirming our identity: Developing an ATLAANZ professional accreditation scheme
Deborah Laurs (Te Herenga Waka | VUW), Mona Malik (Te Pūkenga, Manukau), & Ruth Thomas (Toi Ohomai)


3.00 – 4.00 pm
Everyone in Ruma Tahi for the ATLAANZ Annual General Meeting

Zoom link to Ruma Toru to be made available via email just before the conference

8.45 am

Everyone over in Ruma Tahi for the welcome and keynote

Morning Sessions: Online Learners

10.30 am

Presentation (20 mins)
What might holistic support for distance learners look like?
Ruth Thomas (Toi Ohomai)

11.00 am
Presentation (20 mins)
What are the biggest problems facing learners online and how do we minimise them?
Nigel Gearing (Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland)

11.30 am
Presentation (20 mins)
Digital storytelling to engage and support toitū te tangata
Julie Wuthnow (University of Canterbury)

Special Interest Group: Online/Distance Learners

12.00 – 12.30 pm

12.30 – 1 pm Lunch – Wā kai

Afternoon Session: MATLAANZ/PATLAANZ

1.00 – 2.30 pm


3.00 – 4.00 pm
Everyone over in Ruma Tahi for the ATLAANZ Annual General Meeting

Zoom link to Virtual Coffee Lounge:

Virtual coffee lounge

ID 798099 © Kheng Guan Toh |

Image ID 798099 © Kheng Guan Toh |

This is a space for delegates to rest, mingle, and sit down together to discuss the sessions over coffee (you’ll need to provide the coffee wink)

While you are here, feel welcome to participate on the Whakawhānaungatanga Padlet board “Ko wai au?” (Who am I?).

Professional identity: We may also have a copy of the Miro board running in this space if participants would like to continue working together after the Professional Identity wānanga on Wednesday afternoon.


Lounge layout:

Imagine the spaces where people like to sit in a lounge. You can choose to stay together as a group, or there will be a little set of self-access break-out spaces in this room, if you’d like to confer quietly with a colleague online. But, like any coffee lounge, you may find that others come along and join you there too.

Day 2 Programme: Thursday 1 December 2022

The three tabs below are for the three streams of activity scheduled. Everyone begins the day together in Ruma Tahi at 8.45 am

Zoom link to Ruma Tahi to be made available via email just before the conference

8.45 am

Welcome and Keynote

Karakia, pōwhiri, waiata (Welcome)

9.00 am

Dr Robbie Frances Watene
Doing things differently

10.00 am
Paramanawa – Morning tea

Morning Sessions: Student-Centredness

10.30 am
Presentation (20 mins)
‘Spoon Theory’: Understanding its original context and applying it to new contexts for student well-being
Brittany Hoback & Delphine Mitchell (Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington)

11.00 am
Panel Discussion (40 mins)
Cultural perspectives of health decisions and the concept of whānau
Hua Dai, Daisy Bentley-Gray, & Nina Pelling (Unitec)

11.40 am
Presentation (20 mins)
Bulding effective collaboration strategies between kaiāko and Taituarā Ākonga – Student Support
Marcus Brons (Toi Ohomai)

Special Interest Group Breakout Room/s

12.00 – 12.30 pm

Breakout 1: Te Pūkenga | Breakout 2: Neurodiversity

12.30 -1.00 pm
Lunch – Wā kai

1.30 – 3.30 pm

Everybody here in Ruma Tahi for the student panel session

Student Panel

We are privileged to invite a group of ākonga | students from diverse backgrounds to join us and conclude our conference by sharing their experiences in the tertiary environment with reflections that can inform our practice and understanding of the modern ākonga in Aotearoa.


Everybody here in Ruma Tahi for Poroporoaki 

Zoom link to Ruma Rua to be made available via email just before the conference

8.45 am

Everyone over in Ruma Tahi for the welcome and keynote

Morning Sessions: International Students

10.30 am
Presentation (20 min)
Silence in tertiary classrooms: The experience of an international student
Behnam Soltani, (WINTEC)

11.00 am
Presentation (20 min)

Personalised English Language Enhancement (PELE) course for EAL students

Kerstin Dofs (Ara Institute of Canterbury)

11.30 am
Presentation (20 min)
How does Te Taiako|Student Learning enact manaaki in the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme?
Louise Falepau & Kirsten Reid (Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington)

Special Interest Groups Breakout rooms

12.00 – 12.30 pm

Breakout 1: International students | Breakout 2: ChatLAANZ

12.30 – 1.30 pm
Lunch – Wā kai

1.30 – 3.30 pm
Everyone in Ruma Tahi for the student panel session 


3.30 pm
Everyone over in Ruma Tahi for Poroporoaki

Zoom link to Ruma toru to be made available via email just before the conference

8.45 am

Everyone over in Ruma Tahi for the welcome and keynote

Morning Sessions: Learning Advising

10.30 am
Presentation (20 mins)
Core competencies for Learning Advisors
 Mona Malik (Te Pūkenga, Manukau)

11.00 am
Conversation (40 mins)
What does the future hold for learning support?
Xiaodan Gao (Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington)

11.40 am
Special Interest Group/s: 

SIG: Managers

12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
Lunch – Wā kai

1.30 – 3.30 pm
Everyone in Ruma Tahi for the student panel session 


Everyone over in Ruma Tahi for Poroporoaki

Zoom link to coffee lounge:

Coffee lounge

This is a space for delegates to rest, mingle, and sit down together to discuss the sessions over coffee (you’ll need to provide the coffee wink)

While you are here, feel welcome to participate on the whakawhānaungatanga Padlet board “Ko wai au?” (Who am I?)

Professional identity: We may also have a copy of the Miro board running in this space if participants would like to continue working together after the Professional Identity wānanga on Wednesday afternoon.


Lounge layout:

Imagine the spaces where people like to sit in a lounge. There will be a little set of self-access break-out spaces in this room, if you’d like to confer quietly with a colleague online. … but, like any coffee lounge, you may find that others come along and join you there too.