Welcome to ChatLAANZ

ChatLAANZ is a professional development and community building opportunity based on a model demonstrated by Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association Inc (ANZSSA). They are Zoom meetings of about 40 minutes each scheduled at breakfast or lunchtime that provide examples of what colleagues at various institutions are doing in certain areas of interest and the opportunity to talk about the ideas.

Breakfast sessions at 8:30 am – 9:10 am
Lunchtime sessions 12:00 noon – 12:40 pm

When possible, the slides and recordings of the sessions will be available at the bottom of the page.

Our first presentation will be at 8.30 am on Friday 06 May. See details below

We welcome your suggestions for topics for 2022 ChatLAANZ sessions. Use the form called ‘Recommend a ChatLAANZ theme’ below to send us your ideas!

Suggestions received so far:

  • A framework for feeding back student voice to teaching staff
  • An LA-led virtual writing club
  • Engaging students emotionally in academic integrity instruction
  • A facilitated discussion with ITP LAs leading into Te Pūkenga next year

Our first presentation will be at 8.30 am on Friday 06 May.

Ruth Thomas will be speaking about Toi Ohomai: Building a Learning Support Network Post-Merge.

This session briefly outlines the merging of Bay of Plenty Polytechnic and Waiariki Institute of Technology learning support services and resources. These were combined to serve students of the new organisation, Toi Ohomai. Ruth will then share her research on students’ experiences and perceptions of the reviewed services and resources. The research looks towards how learning support could be offered across the network of Te Pūkenga to support workplace, campus-based and online learners.

Past ChatLAANZ sessions

October 2021

Topic: Wellness at work

Facilitator:  Jennifer Yates, (Auckland University of Technology)

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September 2021

Topic: Stories of equity from Māori Learning Advisors

Facilitators: Herewini Easton (Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington)
Tania Oxenham  (Waikato Institute of Technology)
Matt Tarawa (Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland)

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Herewini's Ako video

August 2021

Topic: Rainbow101: Supporting diversity on campus

Facilitator: Andrea Trueman (Weltec & Whitereia)

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July 30, 2021
Topic: Working with Neurosensitive students

 “Our inaugural ChatLAANZ was a resounding success … at one point there were about 40 of us” (Andrea Trueman, Chatlaanz co-organiser).

Facilitator: Kaaryn Cater (Weltec & Whitereia)

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